For world peace a small contribution from an indian ...
Coming soon - a love anthem for the world !!!
Love - str
The world Love Anthem - Str (audio teaser) by simbucentralworld
The lyrics of the song which are drawn from 96 languages from around the world is said to be his Christmas message to his global fans. He is flying to US to record it with none other than Akon and Rihanna.
Arabic: حُب
Chinese: 喜爱
Czech: láska
Danish: kærlighed
Dutch: liefde
Estonian: armastus
Finnish: rakkaus
French: amour
German: die Liebe
Greek: αγάπη
Hungarian: szeretet
Icelandic: ást
Indonesian: sayang
Italian: amore
Japanese: 愛
Korean: 애정
Latvian: mīlestība
Lithuanian: meilė
Norwegian: kjærlighet
Polish: zamiłowanie
Portuguese: amor
Romanian: dragoste
Russian: любовь
Slovak: láska
Slovenian: ljubezen
Spanish: amor
Swedish: kärlek
Turkish: aşk
We Love STR